
New Lebanon UMC, 2040 West Main Street , New Lebanon, Ohio 45345
Phone: (937) 687-8661

Join us for Sunday Worship at 10am in person or via FB Live
Sunday Bulletin - 9/29/2024
Order of Worship


You are invited to Dixie High School's Senior Citizen Fall Luncheon! Please RSVP to Tara Miller by October 1st to attend the luncheon October 17th from 12-2pm. More information is available on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Rehearsals for the annual community Christmas Cantata will begin Sunday October 6th at 4pm at the New Lebanon Brethren Church. The Cantata performance is Sunday December 15th. More information is available on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Missions and Outreach encourages you to participate in Socktober! Please bring donations of new socks to the bin in the narthex during the month of October and M&O will match your donations. Socks will be donated to local homeless shelters to provide a small comfort to the community.

October Birthday Celebration Lunch will be on October 6th at Buckeye Jakes in West Alexandria at 11:30 am.

Blessing Box: NLUMC and our community are invited to place at least one item in the Blessing Box each week. You can also place items in Fellowship Hall if you prefer. Check the Narthex for Blessing Box Most Wanted.

Announcements for Bulletins: Please email weekly announcements for the bulletin to nlumcwebmaster@gmail.com by Friday at 6:00 pm.

Text GIVE to 844-962-3159 to give or

Thank you for your generosity!
NLUMC Easter Egg Hunt 2024
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